When I earned my Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 2013, I never in a million years would have thought I would be the owner of a thriving infant-toddler tongue and lip tie focused practice and launching an educational platform to proudly share my evolved protocol with other professionals. If I’m being totally honest, I don’t miss practicing general dentistry one bit. Even just a few years after I started to practice, I felt the yearning for something more. I guess that is why they say it is a “calling.”
How could it be that restrictive oral ties could have an impact on feeding patterns, breathing, sleeping, structural tension, and development of the orofacial complex - yet the first time I was hearing about the benefits of early assessment and treatment was AFTER dental school?
Expanding my knowledge base and skill set to help parents and babies accomplish their feeding goals and thrive has been the best (and most transformative) decision I have made in my career.

Like any new journey, the early days came with feelings of uncertainty, self-doubt, and confusion. Working on the smallest of humans takes courage. It’s a big deal and it comes with witnessing the most incredible impacts.
A frenectomy should only be recommended when there is anatomical and functional need to do so, and this starts with studying normalcies in structures and physiology. Our bodies and our babies’ bodies are intricate and fascinating and capable. Realistic expectations should be understood and trauma should never be a normalized part of treatment or post-operative care. Parents should feel informed and empowered by their professional care team, not overwhelmed and full of doubt.
However, rants and rambles using unclear terminology, outdated concepts and fear-based myths continue to float around in the online abyss and even in educational offerings. Controversy and disconnect still exist within the field.
I decided to take a stand.
I poured my heart into the structure and content of the IFP Course! With 23 modules, 27 hours of content and 15 other educational speakers contributing their gifts, the material reflects the standard of care I feel should be maintained in this field worldwide. The care that parents and little ones deserve. The care that professionals can stand behind with clarity, confidence, and cohesion.
Helping to set these babies up for success while working collaboratively with my professional referral network is beyond rewarding. I hope you consider joining the movement to establish a respected and aligned approach.
Supporting you on your journey,
Dr. Chelsea Pinto